Sunday, March 19, 2006

A new day and new art

I finished two new pieces that I'm rather proud of. The first is an assemblage I did for the Art Squared theme week on eBay. It's called The Miracle of Four, and it's an exploration of the symbols and associations of the number four. It was almost as much fun to do as Carrie's box was. It was actually very educational; I got very involved in doing online research, and came to the conclusion volumes could be (and possibly have been) written on the subject. Anyway, I'm pleased with the way it came out.

The other is a 5x5 inch collage called Gaia. It was the most satisfying thing I've ever done.

Ostara was great, by the way. We descended into our own inmost cells, then floated above this one, the big blue planet. I brought home an egg and a seed to plant.

Yeeeeeoowwwww!!!!! It's spring!!!


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