Monday, February 06, 2006

My own personal psychoses

Okay, May needs to stop encouraging the rest of us to take these tests. When I took the Freudian one, it told me I could not control myself sexually, and that "fidelity" was not in my vocabulary. It also told me that I was heavily into the latency stage-- can you make up your mind? I can't really be both. Hey, you can't trust a word he said anyway. It was all about cocaine and women's ankles for him. Talk about sexual issues. Anyway, I am quite faithful-- for example, I'm currently obsessed with monkey-people and can't seem to pull myself away from them. The president says we must be very concerned about the proliferation of human-animal hybrids. I believe him. If this does not make sense, you haven't read my blog.


May Terry said...

Hey, if the shoe fits, Carrie...

21stcenturybuddhist said...

Wow May! That was so funny! I laughed so hard I thought I had stepped on a tack!

May Terry said...

Well, Carrie, if you'd been wearing your shoes...