Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Thank you, Carrie...

...for making that clear. No, I did not lock my children in closets, although sometimes I felt like that was the only way to keep them from behavior that would lead to their demise (demises? sorry, I'm obsessed with grammar).

For those of you who'd like to know what the hell Carrie is talking about, go here: Sounds like a wonderful organization, does it not? Trouble is, they're just as dogmatic as the people on the other side of the question, who believe that all psychiatric illness is caused by "brain disorders". Nothing's ever that simple.

Oh, and thanks, Carrie, for the compliment about my limerick. Just its mention in the same paragraph as the piece de resistance of the genre is the ultimate encomium.

(Mr. Zen above. Isn't he cute?)


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