Monday, August 21, 2006

A Collaborative Effort

One of the eBay groups I belong to is called Independent Writers Artists & Musicians (IWAM). As you might imagine, it's mostly visual artists, since many fewer writers and musicians have anything that's actually hawkable on an auction site, or in a store of any type.
The site moderator was trying to think of ways to encourage more participation by writers and musicians, and I came up with an idea of writing a haiku and asking if anyone would like to illustrate it. Here's my fluffy haiku:

It is time to draw
the battle lines; I fear the
cats have declared war.
An artist who calls herself Faethe responded, and agreed to give it a whirl. She sent me a copy of the final product, which you see here, and which she'll put up on eBay. When I created the haiku, I was thinking of the cats declaring war on us; I love her interpretation, though. Do a search on her stuff on eBay sometime. It's really good.

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