Saturday, June 02, 2007

Love Leaving

. . .
Here are an old poem and a new digital collage on similar themes.


Love, when it leaves
is like a bird flown south
for the winter.

You know it is somewhere--
trembling with life
clinging to some luscious vine or sapling
while you are left with
vacant branches
in the songless skies.

Love, when it leaves
is like the fleeing monarch.
love congregates somewhere--
myriad beating wings in dense moist green
so distant
from your own arid heart.

. . .

1 comment:

BLUEYEDUCKstudios said...

May - this is shockingly lovely.

I first pondered it a few days ago - not paying attention in the first moments- not noticing the meaning of the text/numbers - then it flooded in ... very well done!!!!

BTW: YOU've been TAGGED!

Here's the scoopidy-doopidy: When you are "tagged" please give 7 random facts about your sweet self on your blog.
Please write things that are a habit, unusual, or that no-one else knows, as well as the rules of the game.
You then need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.
Please leave a post on the blogs of those you tag so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog...and tag 7 more and so on.
No worries. No pressure. No time constraints - just enjoy ~ xo ~
