Monday, August 06, 2007

The road goes ever on and on...

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John and I took our cameras down along the Connecticut River last night, under the Arrigoni Bridge that joins Portland and Middletown. The two pictures above are probably the best of the lot I took of the bridge. I also have a couple of the river that I'll put up eventually.

So, you might gather from my casual beginning that the news concerning my scans was good. It was indeed, though I spoke to someone in Dr. Schauer's office and only got a message from him, and they didn't completely jibe; however, there's no doubt that I am responding to the Navelbine, which is great. It's very easy to tolerate; Ritalin takes care of most of my fatigue, and the only other problem is a bit of lower GI trouble that is pretty easy to manage. Anyway, I'm happy!

John bought a bathing suit today, which means the next time we're not otherwise engaged and the weather's good we can go to the beach. I can't wait!

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Anonymous said...

Congratulations May! I'm so happy for you and glad you are feeling better, getting out for some fun! I hope you have a great time at the beach. You take beautiful photos. I really enjoy looking at them. Brightest Blessings Angel

May Terry said...

Thanks, Angel. In fact, the report said there's no visible cancer activity at the current time. So I'm very grateful.
